CAM350 gets PCB designs successfully through fabrication with ease - the first time. CAM350 is easy to learn and use, and its return on investment is instantaneous. Any flags that have not been deleted will no longer be visible, but are still saved.CAM350 streamlines the electronic product delivery process by verifying and optimizing a PCB design for fabrication. You can close the Control Panel at any time by clicking the Close button. For an explanation of Control Panel features, see Info > Find > Layer Compare Errors. Simply select the desired layer from the drop-down list, and all the flagged differences on the selected layer will be shown to you.ġ0. This helps you find each of the differences detected, on each layer. If differences were found, a Control Panel appears below the Tool Bar. When finished, a message box appears and tells you how many (if any) differences were found.ĩ. A meter bar at the bottom of the screen informs you of the progress of the detection process. If you chose the Process Entire Layer option, the system automatically starts examining the data. If you would like to search another area of your design, repeat step 8. When finished, a message box appears and tells you how many (if any) layer comparison differences were found. A selection area window is created, and when it is the desired size, click the left mouse button again. Select the upper-left hand corner of your desired search area with your mouse and click the left mouse button. If you chose the Window Area To Process option, you are prompted to select a search area. When you are done making your selections, click the OK button.Ĩ. If you have run this function before, and wish to remove the flags associated with previously detected differences, select Delete Old Errors.ħ. Otherwise, to compare everything, select Compare Entire Layer.Ħ. If you only wish to compare a certain area of the layers, select the Window Area To Compare option. (For example, choosing 0.5 mils instead of 1.0 mils takes the system 4 times longer to process the data.)ĥ. The smaller the value, the more accurate the data must be to pass the comparison "test", and the longer it will take for the system to compare the layers. Accuracy is the tolerance to which each pixel can deviate between the two layers. Note that any differences found will be flagged on Layer 1.Ĥ. Select the two layers you wish to compare from the Layer 1 and Layer 2 drop-down lists. You can also open the Control Panel by using the Info > Find > Layer Compare Errors command, which is only available if you have acid traps flagged in your design.ģ. Note: If you have already run the layer comparison process, and simply want to open the Control Panel to view the flagged differences and make modifications, you do not need to go through the process again. Open or Import the design whose layers you wish to compare.Ģ. To have as much memory available as possible, close other applications prior to using this feature.ġ.
#Cam350 free
The more free RAM memory you have on your computer, the faster it will run. Warning: This function is memory-intensive. Individual layers of a composite can also be compared. Essentially, it is like plotting both layers on film, then placing one on top of the other and seeing if they match. This command allows you to compare two separate Gerber layers and detect any differences between the two.